As free-flowing as the number 8, Manny Pacquiao fatefully (make that f-8-fully) claimed his world record feat of being the only boxer to have won 8 world boxing titles in likewise 8 different divisions. And 8’s quite, err, it’s quite matching that he did it as the new elected Congressman of his hometown. 8 (as validated by their official car plate number) is a Congressman’s number. In the ring, defensively side-stepping as if motioning “8” through body language, Pacquiao quickly waltzed a defensive move while capitalizing on every opening his gloves could penetr-8. At the expense of a taller and heavier Mexican Antonio Margarito, Pacquiao domin-8-ed all throughout the fight. As if living up to his name “pakyaw” (a Filipino term) which means all-encompassing. His control was definitely large-scale given the David-and-Goliath aspect with his persona being the former. The Goliath in Margarito was rather down-scaled. However, he looked bigger with his face badly puffed-up; he could as w...
Even that of what’s beyond could as well be a subject under the sun…