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Showing posts from November, 2011

"Web of Life"

My son getting snatched by a big spider woke me up from such a bad dream this morning. What it meant kept me wondering and somehow worried. Lately, dreams seem to be foretelling something I should be concerned about. Just the other night, I dreamt of having a short (life) term left due to brain cancer. Brushing it off was rather manifested until a text message from my kid brother had me contemplate on a probable signification. Inadvertently, in his dream that same night, he had a long conversation with our late father who appeared poignant and emaciated apparently asking him to help me out among other things. Coincidentally, I’ve been sensing unusual physical conditions lately. Yet what I thought of was the few remaining days before I turn 39. Not too long ago, I thought of the probable age I’d breathe my last – 38. Should the inevitable happen and I’m gone, I was talking my wife into (re)marrying someone who would fill the void and be involved to assume the role as husband a...

Reason Between

In as much as I try to brush off the disturbing image, I can’t get over the heartbreaking scene of the 2-year old Chinese toddler getting run over twice then vulnerably ignored… Virally circulating, I suppose a substantial number has seen and knows what’s being referred to…  As human nature allows, we tend to be judgmental of people despite being clueless of what really transpired and how it could all the more be devastating for the concerned or involved persons of the regrettable incident. Yet as wrong and insensitive to be condemnatory, I can’t help but be critical of how careless any parent or guardian not to tend to a defenseless child along hazardous environs. I’d even refuse to blame it on accident under the usual few-seconds-difference for a (parental) relapse considering how long it took for the toddler to helplessly suffer and exceedingly go through agony even more… It was gravely neglectful. As for the insensible and unkind passersby: SHAME ON ALL OF YOU! And f...