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Showing posts from January, 2013

I Wish

At this point in my life, it would be nice to get some 'R and R'. Celebrating four decades of existence through some breather from all the toiling throughout the years is what I seek and what will continually be sought after. Having reached this age, anyone would most likely envision being in a stress-free situation. However, that would most likely contend with and allow us to realize still the purpose of our being. For a while there, you’d also reflect back on the ‘what-ifs’ and ‘what-would-have-beens’ as much as what you have accomplished so far that of which somehow molded your essence and probably determine who you will further be. It would be hypocritical of me to deny that I’m not aspiring for the finer things in life. I want ‘this’, I want ‘that’… too many of ‘those’ actually… There’s no need to elaborate on what those are if only to point out the difference between the ‘wants’ from the ‘needs’; the necessities from priorities as much as the luxuries from what’s really...