In getting caught between some decision you are to decide on wherein your heart doesn't seem to agree with your brain, human nature allow us to rely on either gut-feelings or faith. Usually without putting much thought into it or the total lack thereof, we ironically stave off the imminent regret that may come with it. That's where faith comes in. Though it may symbolically express hopping onto the next step abruptly, what may appear from that of my action having "jumped the gun" is actually a leap of faith. I decided to resign from the company I've been "comfortably" with for 13 years. I've had mixed emotions. Initially, I felt hate. I hated that one person whom I'd say as the reason for my resignation. He's the typical kind of a boss you'd most likely read about in Facebook or online articles as to why employees leave. And he's not even the owner for crying out loud; what's worse is that he doesn't manifest that "sens...
Even that of what’s beyond could as well be a subject under the sun…