Among Star Wars fans, you'd know that famous line as from that of Darth Vader... It's similarly the same among fathers who have to fight for their rights over their children; not as "Darth Vader" though, but against "Dark Invader". Yet how "dark" could that "invader" be for a father to sacrifice almost everything including giving up the chance to be there for his kids? In a way, it's "Star Wars" when opposing sides respectively claim they're the "star" (of their side of the story) in their custody battle; usually at the expense of who they depict as the "antagonist" as if to justify their act as the right one and 'them' to be the chosen one; perhaps like Anakin who has gone to the dark side... "Anakin'ng pating!!" Have they even asked or considered as to whose expense is it actually; the feelings of the children corresponding with the emotional and mental implications as...
Even that of what’s beyond could as well be a subject under the sun…