Being “Uncles and Aunties” currently , we’re actually in the middle age. Pun-intentionally, we’re “in-between” the age of old-school propriety and the generation of modern “notoriety”. We balance yesteryears’ simplicity and the complexity of today’s technological breakthrough. Yet, mostly among the young ones as we traverse “middle age”, they seem to deem it as midlife crisis. Apparently, the “psychological crossroad” though is the variability of one’s age group as to where they actually belong to, considering that there are varying generation classifications, age-wise. It’s within that turning point along a clash between getting pulled by one’s youth and being pushed to full maturity. Outwardly a case of “contend or content”. These social groupings isn’t any different from being in the middle age as it depends on life expectancy. If we are to base it on the current Filipinos’ average life expectancy rate being at around the age of 68, middle age I’d say is around 35 to 55 as c...
Even that of what’s beyond could as well be a subject under the sun…