Pride is the absence of submissiveness over the admission of a weakness, most likely along with an obnoxious exertion of superiority.
Early this morning when my 6-year old daughter was about to buy Taho, she insisted on having hers be put in her small cup. We have often used the pint-sized cup. Buying only half of the usual amount we've been ordering would exactly measure up in her cup being her reason. I, on the other hand, firmly contended that she still use our regular cup as half of it would somehow amass even more than the capacity of her small cup for the same peso value. Quite unconvinced, she obliged anyhow.
I thought I'd point it out to her my argument by pouring into her small cup the same-price-amounting-content of the bigger cup to illustrate the brimming difference. Seemingly fooled by my visual perception, a case of optical illusion akin to that of Gestalts Law's Proximity, I was proven wrong! (Laugh)
True enough, far from a proximate rejoinder, I was ridiculously taken aback. Inadequately smiling at my daughter gazing back at me with that "see-I-told-you-so" look, I rather justified the importance of admitting one's inaccuracy as a valuable lesson to be learned. The incident likewise reminded us (especially me) the inappropriateness of a smart-alecky behavior, more so, when doubtful facts render unreliable certainty.
The most constructive lesson though is that not because we're older or higher (in position) it means we're wiser or know better. Thus, to listen and understand the possibly vital contribution of a young one or perhaps a subordinate would merit its due significance.