…Then the man said, “At last, here is one of my kind – Bone taken from my bone, and flesh from my flesh. ‘Woman’ is her name because she was taken out of man.” It’s this verse (Gen. 2:23) from the Bible when wrongfully interpreted has put a great deal on how men live out condescending attitude towards the supposedly weaker sex, consequently putting crooked meaning to women’s existence as “owed to man”. Women in contrast, with the role as a mother doesn’t just have the responsibility and task of conceiving life but a body built for it which “anatomically” differs from that of men’s. Thus, giving some sense as it may be deemed to their own pride – “men’s birth lies in women”. The issue no longer deals with the difference between the two and their respective roles but rather who is the first-rate gender. Men as accustomed to their superiority lifted further by reputation will not just concede especially at times when they think their ‘ego’ is being stepped on. Fed up from being domin...
Even that of what’s beyond could as well be a subject under the sun…