Prior to and excepting my latest post “28”, it’s been a while… I thought of getting back on track with so much idea on mind that I hope I get to accomplish. Accordingly, I’m bent on fulfilling something as one way to relax as well so as to ease the stress due to several occasions I was preoccupied with lately. I guess venting it off or expressing it through this will suffice.
Given the time that passed, I should’ve earned so much subject to blog about but I thought to be more focused and objective in going about the reason behind this blog site after all.
Herewith is what was thought of to be apt in conveying a further perspective on whatever posted subject – a fitting daily blog (hopefully and if time permits):
- For Sunday: "Son Day" - Believing in the essence of one’s existence and as a son of Our Father and as a father myself, I thought it’ll only be fitting to add revered matters based on my viewpoint as one subject worth discussing about under the sun and quite decently during Sundays…
- Monday: "Man Day" - Giving due recognition to people whose lives have one way or another served to motivate will be inscribed and be read if only to once again serve as an inspiration… Also, other things from a man’s point of view
- Tuesday: "Choose Day" - Aside from the diverse elemental nature akin to life, it’s about making choices. Thus, options as means to contemplate for a decision would rather be helpful or funny, however it suits you…
- Wednesday: "When's (the) Day" - We usually state our would-be, could-be or aimed-at circumstances as “that would be the day”... In view of that, goals will be set (or predicaments will be foreseen) on a Wednesday and through “When’s Day”…
- Thursday: “Thirst Day” - …it’s about an itch that needs to be scratched, a dream that would preferably be fulfilled… like a thirst that needs to be quenched…
- Friday: “Pry Day” - By nature we are inquisitive of information that leads to answer the ‘WHYs’ of everyday life brought about by our curiosity and the desire to find out the truth not necessarily because we care for knowledge…
- Saturday: “Shut your Day” - Basically a rest day… or not…
As open as every post could be and may perhaps differ from your standpoint, feel free to comment or what…